Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum order quantity for your packaging?

The MOQ depends on the packaging item. Please complete the form on the Contact Us page, providing as much information as you can for a representative to be able to advise you on the relevant MOQ.

What is the price of your packaging?

The price may depend on the packaging quantity and whether it is for delivery or collection from one of our local Sales Warehouse outlets. Please complete the form on the Contact Us page, providing as much information as you can for a representative to be able to advise you on pricing.

Please note that cash payments and cheques are not accepted. (Card or EFT only.)

Do you have any vacancies?

We advertise vacancies in the relevant media depending on the type and location of vacancy.  Specific recruitment queries may be directed to 

Can you assist with donations of packaging?

All donation requests are assessed on their own merit by the HR representative for the relevant region.  Please see our Contact Us page for contact details for our various branches.

Can you assist with sponsorship?

All sponsorship requests are assessed on their own merit by the HR representative for the relevant region.  Please note that our social upliftment initiatives focus on education, health and disabilities only.